Gainesville's Best Bonded Rubber Mulch Installation Services
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People who believe that having a stunning but also safe surface is impossible, clearly have not heard about bonded rubber mulch and how they can exceed everyone’s expectations. This surface is one of the favorites in Gainesville and all over Florida due to how well it imitates traditional wood mulch. When you compared it to bonded rubber alone, you will find many similitudes but this mulch option is the one that gets the closest to wood mulch, and we dare to say that even 99% if it was not for a small detail: the pieces stick together.

The main issue with wood mulch and its loose look lie in how the pieces can be a nuisance in the long run. Why? Because they tend to separate and get into people’s eyes most of the time. When you think about kids using playgrounds and similar spaces with such surfaces, you know you will have several problems. However, bonded rubber mulch solves this since you get the same results, even better shock absorption and support, but without worrying about the problems that wood mulch brings to your space. Also, this shows how good a safe surface can look since many people in the city and all over Florida consider that it is not possible to have both at once.
Why is this? because many playgrounds good beautiful for the colors and design were chosen by the owners or people in charge of the project, but some people find them dull and boring, consider that the design is not original, and many other thoughts come to mind. But when you get one like this mulch option, you notice the big difference in the appearance and look but also the support provided considering the type of surface it is. Now, this does not mean the surface is perfect. In fact, it has several factors and elements to consider for you to finally make the decision and determine if it is a good option for your space in particular. At Gainesville Safety Surfacing, our role is to guide you through the entire process of learning about the surface, knowing the factors that are involved in your decision, determine when it is a good option or not, and provide the services to get it installed or perform other tasks like repairs and maintenance. In other words, we are here to assists you in anything you need with this surface and we will start here and now by letting you know more about it.

What makes bonded rubber mulch a good option?
So far, you would consider that the aesthetic elements are what drive people crazy for the surface but this is not accurate. Yes, it is stunning and appealing; you will definitely want it just for how it looks. However, the shock absorption, support, and performance of the surface overall are other reasons for it and more important than how it looks. Although it does not compete with surfaces that offer extra absorption like Poured-In-Place rubber, its properties in this aspect are still outstanding.
Keep in mind that not all will offer you the same when it comes to support and impact absorption, which is why it is crucial to determine this first and then, start thinking about the other aspects of the surface. With this clear, this rubber surfacing option is more than average when it comes to absorption and you might have noticed it when visiting a city park or playground. They are soft, can handle well with heavy traffic, and falls up to 10 feet are not an issue.
Other accidents or high-impact activities can be performed using this surface as well, which opens more doors for you when it comes to where you can use it.
If we had to summarize the benefits of the surface and why it is a good option, we would definitely include:
- It performs well in outdoor but also indoor spaces—although the main use is for outdoors.
- You get more than enough shock absorption properties for most spaces except for sports or training fields and when extra safety is required.
- The surface is quite soft and hard to notice the difference with wood mulch.
- You get the loose look without effort.
- It does not require high maintenance.
- The surface can be easily cleaned and maintained.
How to obtain the best result?
If you are making the decision of using this surface, prepare yourself. It is not difficult to handle its installation and all the services that are related to it. However, you need to consider two important factors: the materials used to manufacture the surface and all its pieces, and the installation in your space. Just like the quality of the materials, how the installation takes place is crucial for the surface’s longevity, durability, and performance. Therefore, you will need the assistance of professionals who are familiar with it, have installed it before, and can promise you the best results.
Our team at Gainesville Safety Surfacing indeed has all the experience and knowledge required for this task. Actually, this rubber surface is one of the first we started to install in our company due to how popular it is and thanks to this, we are capable of handling any project with it nowadays. Therefore, if you are considering its use in any of the following spaces:
- Playgrounds.
- Schools.
- City parks.
- Recreative areas.
- Patios.
- And many more.
You can rely on our team to guarantee a good-looking but, more importantly, safe surface for your space. To contact us or request this service, you only need to call or email us. The contact form on our website is also open for requesting a quote, asking your questions or doubts, or just reaching out to us in order to know more about the service or even request it right away. Our experts are available in Gainesville but also throughout the entire and even country since we are both a state and nationwide company specialized in safety surfacing.